Why performing heavy weight lifting exercises is the best way to build muscle and strength, right WRONG! I’ll explain why on page 17.
7 deadly workout mistakes that’ll cut your muscle gains in half and brittle your joints to the point of no return… pages 21-24
3 little-known isometrics power breathing methods that force oxygen and nutrients into your muscles for greater growth. HINT: Famous Martial Artist, Bruce Lee used these same breathing techniques to prepare his body for the Hollywood big screen found on pages 33-35
The single most powerful isometrics training technique you can use anytime with ZERO equipment for instant strength gains This same secret was used Russian Spy turned legendary strongman, Alexander Zass to break out of heavy prison shackles and bend thick jail bars pages 11-12
How a simple 8-second isometric technique, when added to the middle of your workouts can skyrocket your muscle gains and plow through stubborn strength plateaus Some powerlifters call this their secret weapon to lifting heavier weights…
No equipment No problem! Inside you’ll discover the maximum voluntary contraction routine used by 1920’s bodybuilder and magazine cover model Charles Atlas for superhuman muscle growth and strength gains I’ll give you his exact 3-day workout on pages 43-45
What to never do when performing isometrics, and why. (If you get this wrong, you’ll see little results if any at all). Page 23
How isometrics training recruits MORE muscle fibers for greater strength and power gains compared to any moving exercise …I’ll show you the exact study (and many more) published in the Journal of Applied Physiology on pages 7-10
Why Isometrics Strength is one of the deadliest weapons used by UFC fighters and how you can use these same training methods to build functional, yet lethal power WITHOUT stepping foot in the cage WARNING: These tactics are so effective I only share them with ethical men who’ll keep this method in their back pocket to only to be used in a self-defense situation
Ever wonder how Olympic Gymnasts get big arms, broad shoulders, and a massive v-tapered back Look no further than the techniques used inside the isometrics mass bodyweight workouts routine that’ll make you pound for pound the strongest guy at your gym…
Speaking of Olympic Gymnasts, you’ll also discover the 3 BEST gymnastics exercises to get you ripped in the shortest amount of time possible I’ll explain how below…
The exact mass-building secrets I’ve personally used to add inches of rock-solid muscle to my physique while gaining freaky-lean vascularity… best part You’ll slice your gym time in half and safeguard your joints for decades of muscle-building longevity if you’re a man who wants to build muscle into your 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond, these secrets are a pot of gold pages 9-14
How to use the Powerhouse Combination of lifting weights and isometrics training for the BIGGEST strength and muscle gains you’ve ever experienced
8 Weeks of done-for-you workouts you can take to the gym or follow from home to MAXIMIZE your muscle building and strength potential. Mark my words after the first few workouts your sleeves will become tighter and you’ll feel stronger than you have in the last 15 years.
Why guys as young as 20 and as old as 85 can use these exact methods to boost strength and stamina regardless of your current age or physical shape P.S. I’ve also included the Isometrics Mass Over 50 routine specifically designed for older men who want to take their body to the next level.
Why popular Men’s Health websites have called the methods in Isometrics Mass a potentially more effective means of developing overall strength, power, and body control than traditional weight-based movements … and how you can unlock this super-power in seconds. Found on page 12
How to get the anabolic effects of lifting a 500 lb deadlift WITHOUT actually doing it The shock and awe strength trick to ripping a phonebook in two 3 methods to master unbreakable grip strength and jaw-dropping forearm size and so much more!
Yet that’s not all. I really want to up the ante and make this a no brainer. Virtually guaranteeing your success over the next coming weeks and beyond
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